
What Are The Colors For The End, Nether, And Overworld

A view of the End's central isle. The ender dragon can be seen flying around the End spikes.

One of the Cease's outer islands. An stop city and an terminate transport are visible.

The Finish is a nighttime, space-like dimension consisting of divide islands in the void fabricated out of end stone. It is inhabited past endermen and shulkers. The ender dragon as well spawns when the player first arrives.


  • 1 Accessing
  • 2 Environment
    • Biomes
    • 2.2 Generated structures
    • two.iii Terrain features
      • two.three.1 Main island
      • 2.3.ii Outer islands
    • 2.4 Mobs
    • 2.5 Blocks
      • Naturally generated
      • two.5.2 Naturally created
      • 2.5.3 Structures
  • iii Technical information
    • iii.i ID
    • iii.2 Folder
  • four Achievements
  • 5 Advancements
  • six History
  • 7 Issues
  • 8 Trivia
  • ix Gallery
    • 9.1 Credits
  • 10 References

Accessing [ ]

An activated end portal found in a stronghold.

To admission the End, the player must go through the process of finding a stronghold using optics of ender, finding the portal room, and activating the end portal in the end portal room. The room consists of a 5x5 square of finish portal frames, with the corners cut out, making a full of 12. The portal hangs over a lava pool, with a staircase leading up to it. A silverfish spawner sits on height of the staircase.

The histrion can activate the portal by placing 12 eyes of ender into the 12 end portal frames. Each frame cake has a 10% chance of generating with an eye in it already, meaning the actor may not necessarily use 12 eyes to actuate it. In one case all the eyes of ender are placed, the portal activates and emits a loud dissonance. As soon as it is activated, the portal destroys all blocks in the fundamental 3×3 square, including bedrock or another portal frame, and replaces them with the end portal blocks that can teleport an entity into the cease dimension. Upon jumping into the portal, the role player immediately arrives in the Finish (ten: 100, z: 0), along with any prior entities that may take teleported.

Environment [ ]

The Finish consists of one large isle surrounded at a distance by many smaller islands, all mainly equanimous of finish rock. There is a gap between the key island and the outer islands of about 1000 blocks with cipher but the void.

The starless sky and the void of the End are both composed of a blank, static pattern. The daylight bike is absent-minded in the Cease, similar to the Nether, being replaced by a constant dim calorie-free.

It never rains in the terminate, as water hurts endermen.

Most items and blocks office in the End exactly as they practice in the Overworld, with a few notable exceptions:

  • Beds and respawn anchors cause an explosion 25% stronger than TNT and cause fires when one attempts to employ them, equally beds do in the Nether and respawn anchors in the Overworld. (Villagers, if somehow brought in, can all the same utilise beds safely).
  • Compasses are unable to find the original spawn indicate, (except for aiming for Lodestone) every bit spawn points cannot be ready inside the End.
  • Clocks are unable to determine the position of the sun and moon, as there is no daylight bicycle in the Stop. Clocks instead spin randomly as they do in the Nether.
  • Nether portals cannot be activated by the player in the End (although they tin exist placed through commands or external programs and editors).
  • Fire burns indefinitely on bedrock, but does not naturally spread onto other blocks of bedrock, as with netherrack.

Biomes [ ]

There are v biomes that make up the Stop in Java Edition. Beds and respawn anchors all the same explode if the biome is set in the Overworld. In Bedrock Edition, all Finish biomes are classified as a single biome, which is the_End. In both versions, if the biome is set to end in the Overworld, the sky appears every bit a low-cal grey version of the normal Overworld sky.

The Stop
Small End Islands
Finish Midlands
End Highlands
End Barrens

Generated structures [ ]

Name Description Image
Primal island The center of the End is a large, asteroid-like island composed entirely of end stone, floating in the void. At a altitude of g blocks away, an surface area of more than islands begins, away from the main island. These consist of large islands, about the size of the primary island, and smaller ones, which tend to exist thin. End.png
Outer islands The outer terminate islands are institute thou blocks abroad from the primal island. They vary in size from big islands to smaller "mini islands." Generated structures such as end cities and stop ships spawn hither, along with chorus trees. The role player tin can be taken to the stop islands through the Terminate gateway. ChorusFields.png
Finish spike End spikes, also known as obsidian pillars, obsidian spikes or obsidian towers, are generated structures at the Terminate that are made of obsidian, with a unmarried bedrock block and an end crystal on elevation of each pillar. Larger ones have cylindrical forms. The pillars environs the get out portal in a roughly 40 block radius circumvolve, and penetrate through the main island downwardly to y level 0. EndSpike.png
Obsidian platform The obsidian platform is a 5 by 5 foursquare of obsidian that is generated once a histrion or entity enters the Terminate (annotation that if the obsidian is destroyed, or if a block is placed on peak of information technology when the role player enters the End, the obsidian is restored and any blocks on top of it are replaced with air). End-Platform-inGround.png
Exit portal The exit portal (also known as the end fountain) is a structure that enables the players to render to their spawnpoints in the Overworld or the Under, activate upon the defeat of the ender dragon. Exit portal.png
End gateway End gateway portals are generated in the Finish after defeating the ender dragon, and are used to gain quick access to the outer end islands and teleport the player back to the center island. End Midlands.png
End metropolis Cease cities are skyscraper-similar structures found on the outer islands of the End. They are inhabited by shulkers and hold exclusive boodle. EndCity.png
End ship Finish ships are floating structures that are sometimes generated alongside cease cities. They are the just places where elytra and the dragon head can be legitimately obtained. EndShipBow.png
Chorus tree Chorus trees are tall, coral-like blocks ubiquitous in the outer islands. They are composed of chorus plants and chorus fruit. Similar to bamboo and sugar pikestaff, breaking i part causes all plants above the tree to interruption. ChorusPlants.png

Terrain features [ ]

Chief island [ ]

All players brainstorm their exploration of the End with the main island. Unlike Nether portals, entering the finish portal instantly teleports the histrion to the End, giving no fourth dimension to back out. Upon arrival, in the cease, the player materializes on a 5×5×1 obsidian platform with three layers of air blocks in a higher place it, if there are any blocks in a 3 block space above the platform, they are deleted upon a player entering an end portal. The platform tin can generate on the island, within it, or at a short distance from it, shut enough to throw an ender pearl to accomplish the island. Information technology always generates centered on the coordinates (100, 49, 0) with the player facing west.

Once the player enters the End, the only way back is to die or defeat the ender dragon. The dragon spawns naturally and flies around above x towers of obsidian arranged in a circle around the central Exit Portal, which fills upward at the stop of the boxing. On top of each tower lies an end crystal, some of which are protected by cages of atomic number 26 confined. These crystals heal the dragon, only tin can exist destroyed by hitting it (even with projectiles). Destroying the crystal while the dragon is healing damages the dragon.

Once defeated, the dragon goes to the exit portal at (0, 64, 0), rises into the sky and disintegrates, with bright beams of lite flashing from its body. It and then explodes, drops 12,000 (first dragon) or 500 (all subsequent dragons) experience orbs, activates the go out portal, and generates one end gateway portal (showtime xx dragons only). This gives the player access to the Stop'due south outer islands. Atop the exit portal lies iv torches and the dragon egg. After killing the dragon, it can exist respawned an unlimited number of times past placing four end crystals on the sides of the get out portal. Respawning the ender dragon regenerates any obsidian pillar blocks previously mined by the player, also as the torches on the exit portal. Even so, the dragon egg does non regenerate upon killing a respawned ender dragon.

The Cease'due south outer islands are clustered effectually the master isle.

In one case the player enters the exit portal, the "stop poem" is displayed, therefore "completing" the game. The player then respawns wherever their spawn is set in the Overworld or in the Under, and may render to the End through the same portal (or a different portal from some other stronghold); the End remains in the aforementioned country as the player left it. The obsidian platform is regenerated each fourth dimension a player enters the Stop, meaning that any blocks or cake entities placed in the 5×5×four infinite on or to a higher place the platform are destroyed and replaced with obsidian and air blocks.

Outer islands [ ]

The End'southward outer islands are more various than the chief island. When a role player enters i of the Finish gateway portals that generate afterward killing the dragon, they are instantly teleported over the ~thousand cake void to the outer islands. These gateway portals are easiest to enter through the employ of ender pearls, due to the 1 block tall gap betwixt the bedrock blocks, simply tin also exist entered by placing water and pond through, using a trapdoor or piston to force the role player to crawl, or with skilled use of a pair of elytra.

The outer islands vary in size. There are occasional "mini islands" in the gaps between the larger ones, generally with nothing on them (occasionally they generate stop gateways that return the role player to the obsidian platform). The larger islands can also vary in size but are by and large a hundred to several hundred blocks wide. The gaps between these islands are generally short enough that players tin travel between them via ender pearls.

These outer islands generate up to the Earth Border. Some are topped with a forest of chorus trees that may be harvested for its chorus fruit, and maybe chorus flowers, to grow it in the Overworld. The role player may find end cities (which may generate ships with them) on these islands, which hold exclusive loot. Pairs of elytra and the dragon head can only exist found on the end ships.

In Java Edition, due to a bug[1], the outer End islands fail to generate in multiple concentic rings. The get-go ring starts at ±370,727 on the X and Z axes, cutting off terrain generation in a doughnut shape. It continues empty, but comes back at X/Z=(-)524,288, so disappears again at X/Z=(-)642,119 and comes back at X/Z=(-)741,455. It continues like this all the way until the world border, getting closer and closer. If the earth border would be removed, going far plenty would lead to world looking slightly like the stripe lands of Bedrock Edition.

Mobs [ ]

The Cease is home to three naturally occurring mobs:

  • Endermen spawn naturally throughout the entire dimension.
  • The ender dragon spawns naturally on the central island when the player showtime arrives, only tin can exist respawned past placing 4 stop crystals, one on each side's middle cake of the exit portal.
  • Shulkers appear within end cities on the outer islands. They do not respawn in one case killed, but can sometimes clone themselves when attacked by some other shulker.

Other mobs except for the wither may exist sent into the End through an end portal. (The wither can nevertheless be built in the End as usual.)

Blocks [ ]

Naturally generated [ ]

Naturally generated includes blocks that are created through the world seed and always generate no affair what.

Naturally created [ ]

These blocks are created through a combination of events that pb these blocks to be placed by natural causes such equally summoning the ender dragon, not by the player.

Structures [ ]

These blocks are generated as part of stop cities, but merely when the "generated structures"‌[ Coffee Edition but ] option is on.

Technical information [ ]

ID [ ]

Name Identifier(JE) Numeric ID
The End the_end ane

Folder [ ]

In Java Edition, the End is saved in the same way normal worlds are, in the DIM1 subdirectory of the globe salve. Deleting the DIM1 directory resets the Terminate, including all player-made changes.

Achievements [ ]

Icon Accomplishment In-game description Actual requirements (if different) Gamerscore earned Trophy type (PS4)
PS4 Other platforms
The Stop? Enter an End Portal Enter a stronghold Finish Portal activated with all twelve eyes of ender. 20G Gold
The Stop Kill the Enderdragon [sic] Enter the end exit portal. 40G Bronze
You Need a Mint Collect dragons breath in a glass bottle Accept a dragon's jiff canteen in your inventory 30G Silvery
The End... Again... Respawn the Enderdragon [sic] 30G Silver
Great View From Up Here Levitate up fifty blocks from the attacks of a Shulker 20G Bronze

Advancements [ ]

Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location
Advancement-plain-raw.png The End?
Enter the End Portal Eye Spy Enter the End dimension. story/enter_the_end
Advancement-plain-raw.png The Finish?
Or the beginning? Enter the End dimension. end/root
Advancement-plain-raw.png Free the End
Good luck The Stop Kill the ender dragon. end/kill_dragon
Advancement-oval-raw.png The Adjacent Generation
Concord the Dragon Egg Complimentary the End Have a dragon egg in your inventory. terminate/dragon_egg
Advancement-plain-raw.png Remote Getaway
Escape the isle Free the End Throw an ender pearl through, fly, or walk into an end gateway. end/enter_end_gateway
Advancement-oval-raw.png Invicon End Crystal.gif The End... Again...
Respawn the Ender Dragon Complimentary the Stop Exist in a certain radius from the exit portal when an ender dragon is summoned using stop crystals. end/respawn_dragon
Advancement-oval-raw.png You Need a Mint
Collect dragon'due south breath in a drinking glass bottle Complimentary the End Have a bottle of dragon'southward breath in your inventory. stop/dragon_breath
Advancement-plain-raw.png The Metropolis at the End of the Game
Go along in, what could happen? Remote Getaway Enter an end city. cease/find_end_city
Advancement-oval-raw.png Sky'south the Limit
Detect elytra The Metropolis at the Cease of the Game Take a pair of elytra in your inventory. cease/elytra
Advancement-fancy-raw.png Bully View From Upwardly Here
Levitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker The City at the End of the Game Move a altitude of fifty blocks vertically with the Levitation result applied, regardless of whether it is acquired by the effect. end/levitate

History [ ]

June fourteen, 2009 Notch believed that Survival fashion should have some sort of goal, which he had not all the same formulated: "While it could be fun to just run across how long you can survive in survival mode, I believe at that place might exist a need for some kind of goal. Make the most coin in a month?Kill a large evil mob in the shortest time? I don't know yet."
Java Edition Indev
0.31 Jan vi, 2010


Added a map type called "Floating." It generated floating islands total of terrain based on the selected map theme. Falling from these islands meant death, as the "surface" was covered in boulder. Map types were after removed in Infdev.
Java Edition Beta
May 19, 2011

Sky Dimension 1.jpg

Notch tweeted several pictures of the third playable dimension, and so known as the Sky Dimension. It had Overworld blocks and mobs, besides as a sky similar to that of the Overworld.
July 30, 2011 Notch first mentioned the End with his comment regarding the theoretical proper noun-change of the endermen - some players petitioned Mojang to take the mob renamed "Far Landers." a reference to the Far Lands. He joked that instead of renaming the mobs Far Landers, he was more probable to modify the name of the Far Lands to "the End."
Oct 6, 2011 Reddit user "cptqwashi" posted the idea that the new dimension would exist called "the Ender," and would be home to the endermen and ender dragons. Notch soon gave more data and said that cptqwashi was "100% correct."[2] However, it was later revealed that it was simply chosen "the Stop" and that at that place would be just one ender dragon there.[3]
October vii, 2011 Notch tweeted the first image of the End and the ender dragon flying overhead.
Oct 10, 2011 Notch released a video showing a pocket-size clip of the End that also shows the ender dragon wing into the peak of the frame. "(a brightened version."
October 12, 2011 The original concept of the Sky Dimension was officially rebranded as "The End."
Several years afterwards, Jeb explained the reason behind the shift from the Sky Dimension to The Cease: "[The Sky Dimension] didn't work and then well because of how light is calculated [...] The Sky Dimension originally had this tiptop down low-cal that the Overworld has, so you go like shadows in caves and such. Merely performance wise, it didn't work - it was extremely wearisome. Then nosotros removed the lord's day – now everything is evenly lit unless you've got a torch."[4]
Java Edition
1.0.0 Beta 1.nine Prerelease 4 Added the End. The End portal now functions to access it.
An ender dragon spawned near a portal that it would destroy, but end portal blocks would continue to role fifty-fifty if the frame was destroyed. The ability to create end portal frame blocks in Creative Singleplayer mode was also removed.
1.3.1 12w23a Added end portal frames to the creative inventory.
12w25a The End'due south heaven is at present a dark shade of regal static instead of the multicolor noise it originally was.
2013 Music Update Ambient music runway added for the End.
one.9 15w31a A set amount of differently-sized pillars are arranged in a circular way. The tallest pillars accept iron bars around the end crystals.
The exit portal is pre-generated, but without the dragon egg and portal blocks.
Added infinitely generating outer islands, separated from the central island by a gulf of about one thousand blocks.
Added Stop cities and End ships that generate in the outer islands.
15w32c The beacons in Cease ships accept been replaced with pumpkins.
15w33c Replaced pumpkin in End ships with a hopper containing a book written by Searge in it.
15w41a Replaced the hopper and book with a pair of elytra in an item frame.
16w07b Removed the cages that were protecting the crystals during the dragon fight.
pre1 Re-added cages, which now protect the crystals of some of the shorter End spikes.
1.11 16w39a Maps now work in the stop.
Added return portals, which tin be plant randomly throughout the islands.
ane.13 18w07a Phantoms now spawn in the End.
18w09a Phantoms no longer spawn in the Finish.
1.xiv ? A secondary void now appears betwixt X/Z=370,400 and X/Z=524,280.
ane.sixteen 20w19a Hoglins and piglins now become zoglins and zombified piglins respectively when in the End.
Pocket Edition
1.0.0 alpha Added the End.
Legacy Panel Edition
TU9 CU1 ane.00 Patch 1 1.0.i Added the Finish.
In the Terminate, finish spikes are generated in a spiral circling.
The bedrock beat of the Exit portal generates when the histrion enters the Stop, and is activated when the ender dragon is killed.
TU14 1.04 The Cease's sky is now a dark shade of imperial static instead of the multicolor noise it originally was.
TU46 CU36 one.38 Patch 15 The leave portal is at present pre-generated in the Finish, but without the dragon egg and portal blocks.
Outer islands have been added to the Terminate, which are separated from the key island by an invisible wall.
Terminate cities and cease ships that generate in the outer islands take been added to the Cease.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
1.7.10 Added the End.

Issues [ ]

Problems relating to "The End" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report bug there.

Trivia [ ]

  • On Windows 10, the player can set up their render altitude to a maximum of 72 chunks (1152 blocks) without editing the game files, making the outer islands visible from the master isle.
  • Instead of a normal soundtrack, the End's soundtrack characteristic a glitched, distorted version of some of the Overworld soundtrack.

Gallery [ ]

Credits [ ]

References [ ]

  1. MC-159283
  4. "Cake of the Calendar week: End Stone" –, May 5, 2017

What Are The Colors For The End, Nether, And Overworld,


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